The Community Catalog
Starting in 2025, there will be a section of our catalog, separate from the rest of the Information that is all articles created by our community and edited by us, with the same rigorous accuracy. These articles are designed to be just like the information, except they are more in-depth and there are more articles. Anything left uncovered in the Information section will be covered in this section.
We will introduce all articles to this new catalog that are
1) Factually correct, as confirmed by our experts.
2) Previously unexplored, (as in we do not have any articles on them.)
3) Interesting and engaging to all audiances.
If you are interested in submitting your article to this new catalog, there is now a submission option on our homepage. Additonally, anyone who writes an article will be added to the list of contributors, so please make sure that if you do not want your name included on the page, you select that checkbox on the sign-up sheet on our homepage!
We look forward to seeing all of your wonderful contributions to this amazing page to further grow all of our learning capabilities.