Bambu Lab Releases New TPU
In this post, we will be going in depth on the new product Bambu Lab has just released, and how it might be a game changer in the 3D printing industry! The product is a groundbreaking new type of TPU filament that comes packed with incredible features and AMS compatibility!
The new TPU filament is one of the biggest leaps we have ever seen in regards to TPU printing. Officially titled ‘TPU for AMS’ this is the first TPU material that can officially be printed in a Bambu Lab AMS, their multiple material system. Previously, the Bambu Lab AMS was not compatible with TPU filaments natively. There were DIY projects and unofficial solutions, but now they have released a dedicated new flexible designed specifically for their systems.
This product will allow a ton of people access to integrate TPU seamlessly into their multi color or multiple material prints. Speaking of which, this new material comes in a variety of different colors, so users will be able to create native multi-color TPU prints, all from the comfort of the AMS! This product is already available on Bambu Lab’s website, and with the price that it is currently at ($35.09), it is competing price-wise with top makers of TPU!
If this material prints exactly as advertised this is an amazing product that will transform TPU printing and further the filament production field on a whole. We have not tested this product and cannot attest to it’s performance, but hope that this material can preform well and make TPU printing better for everyone!