The Fall of 3D Benchy?
The most popular model on Printables, a staple in the 3D printing community for years is having its license enforced. The original model, shared all over the internet has a Creative Commons (4.0 International License). This means that the model should not be altered and re-shared or ‘remixed’ according to the policy. For years, this license has been defied with spinoffs emerging out of the woodwork. The company who made it, Creative Tools, chose to never take down the derivative models. Then, the company was sold to NTI Group with all assets being transferred over.
From here, the story gets increasingly murky. The internet has been taken aback at the allegations that NTI Group was trying to enforce the license, but they are not, as confirmed by Shawn Frey at All3DP. The person or group attempting to enforce the model’s license is not NTI Group. This statement has been confirmed by Prusa Research via All3DP. However, models are being removed, as demonstrated by u/mkrjoe on Reddit. This move has outcry in the community and further destabilized what was already a precarious situation surrounding the model. This series of events has muddied the waters surrounding licensing rights and violations for 3d models.
The uncertainty and confusion surrounding the model, even though it was not started by NTI Group, has led to the creation of Benchy-replacments. Emerging as the favorite is 3D BOATY by Depep1, which has amassed almost 1,500 downloads in under 24 hours of being posted. The future for 3D Benchy is in uncharted waters, and many are question whether or not the model will stay afloat.